You're my favorite.

No, really - you are.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pink-slipped pooch

Wilbert got fired by his daycare today.

Technically, they call it failing him. But they called Ben in the middle of the day and said he had to come get Wilbert and take him home and he wasn't allowed back. Which is pretty much getting fired, I think.

Details are sketchy – Ben was too pissed off to really ask much and I don't ever want to deal with them again so I don't want to call and ask. From what we know, he was playing a little rough and kind of got into a fight, which is what he does, so they put him in time out for fifteen minutes. After fifteen minutes, they let him back out. He got in another fight – we don't know if it was with the same dog or a different one – and they fired him.

We told him that he's still a good dog and we love him and it's their loss and we'll find him a better place. He didn't seem too upset anyway since, you know, he doesn't speak English or understand any of these concepts. But I thought it was important to say.

So now we have to find a new doggie daycare. Because we need a place to board him occasionally and it's good for him to get to play with other dogs all day every once in a while and go crazy and get all worn out and pass out for the night.

I just hope he doesn't get fired again.